Education and training
- 2011, Master’s Degree in Communication Strategies, awarded at the University of Padua. Grade: 110 cum laude / 110. Dissertation: “Public relations in the mirror. The reputation of communication in the Veneto P.M.I. “. Speaker Prof. Giampiero Vecchiato;
- 2007 , Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Sciences, awarded at the University of Padua. Grade: 108 / 110. Degree thesis: “Football Padua: communication strategies and techniques.” Supervisor Prof. Vittorio Montieri;
- 2004, Maturità Scientifica, awarded at the Liceo Scientifico Statale “E. Fermi” high school in Padua.
Teaching activities:
- A.Y. 2021-2022, Lecturer c/o CIELS Campus, Padua, Italy, workshop on “Developing digital marketing plan and reputational management.”
- A.Y. 2012-2017, Lecturer in communication and media relations in courses and seminars organized by University of Padua (Uniferpi) and IUAV (U-Rise Master).
Other work experience:
- 2016 – present, Account Manager PR c/o YAK Agency;
- 2021 – today, Component Co.Re.Com. – Regional Communications Committee, c/o Veneto Region;
- 2020 – today, Editor c/o Greentime Publishers.
E. Fermi” State Scientific Institute of Padua.