On Saturday 06 April from 14:00 to 17:00, the Valsugana Rugby Padova will host the initiative “Bougez pour la Paix/Muoviamoci per la pace” to promote peace through sport and the sharing of the French language, thanks to the mediation of Ciels Campus students.

  “Bougez pour la Paix/Muoviamoci” is the event organised by the Alliances Françaises around the world to promote peace through sport and the promotion of the French language.
The initiative takes place on Saturday, 06 April, the very date established by UNESCO as the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace.
Sporting activity promotes values of sharing, support and exchange that from the rugby field can also be reflected in everyday life, and rugby is a sport where the commitment on and off the field is very high.
Ezio Galon, French-Italian player of the Italian national team and Benetton rugby, will be present to explain all this, together with the players of Valsugana Rugby Padova,
In these days of great international tensions and conflicts, a moment dedicated to peace and fun is important and can also be spent training foreign languages, in this case French.
And this is where Ciels Campus comes in: our students are in fact involved in translating and interpreting into French, promoting the French-speaking language and supporting rugby discussions and moments of interaction throughout the event.
The event is promoted and organized by the Alliances Françaises worldwide to create a moment focused on peace through sport.
Finally, during the afternoon, a fundraising event will be launched for the BenveNido Project, supported by the Cariparo Foundation to support families and children in need of a place in nurseries.
In Padua, the oval-ball sports initiative in Italian and French will take place on Saturday, April 6th from 2 to 5 p.m. at the Valsugana Rugby Padova, club house, via Querini 7D, Padova – Padua.
To register for the event, scan the QR or fill in the direct link:


Programme of the day

Saturday, April 6th, Valsugana Rubgy Padova, Club house, via Querini 7D, Padova – Padua
2:00 p.m. – Welcome of the public and signing of the release form + right to the image
3:00 p.m. – Let’s play together on and off the field, or simply chat in French.
16:00 – Half-time at the club house: hot sandwiches and drinks will be available for purchase
Please note that the event does not allow us to accept dogs.


Partners and patronage
  • Délégation ministérielle à la francophonie auprès du Ministère des Sports et des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques, Ministerial Delegation to the Francophonie at the Ministry of Sports and Olympic and Paralympic Games
  • Municipality of Padua
  • Valsugana Rugby Padova
  • Alliance Française of Padua
  • Alliance Française of Venice
  • Alliance Française of Verona
  • Alliance Française of Vicenza
  • Alliance Française of Treviso
  • Federation of the Alliances Françaises of Italy
  • Fondation des Alliances Françaises (Foundation of the AFs of the world, located in Paris)
  • Ici on parle français – IOPFra, the virtuous network giving visibility to French-speaking places
  • CIELS Campus, (University for Language Mediators) whose students prepare the it-fr glossary of rugby and will act as mediators during the meeting.
  • Unesco Club of Padua
  • Organisation Européenne de la Santé, European Health Organisation, which works to promote healthy eating and sport
  • FIDAS Padua
  • Benvenido Project, the subject of a fundraiser during the event