Education and training:
1999, Multi-regional project organized by Confederazione Cooperative Italiane and Irecoop Emilia Romagna, Irecoop Lombardia, Irecoop Marche, Irecoop Umbria, Irecoop Veneto; Specialized Training Course “The Innovation of the Service System within Confcooperative for the Development of Cooperative SMEs”; Jubilee 2000 Coordination Committee and Diocese of Padua; Jubilee Specialist Training Course;
1998, Organized by Irecoop Veneto, Regional Institute for Education and Cooperation, in collaboration with the Veneto Region, Padua; Training Course for Trainers ” Cooperative Education in Schools”;
1995, Organized by the Province of Treviso, Department of Culture; Specialist Training Course: “Reproduction photography: problems of cataloguing”;
1993, Organized and activated with the contribution of the EEC, the Ministry of Labor and the Veneto Region, as part of a Now Project; Specialized Training Course : “Operator Specialized in the Computerized Cataloging of Cultural Heritage”;
1989, University of Padua, Degree in Modern Literature, thesis in Flemish and Dutch Art History entitled: “Flemish and Dutch Painters of the 15th-16th-XVIIth-XVIIIth Centuries in the Galleries of the Accademia and the Ca’ d’Oro.” Votazione 110/110;
1982, “Ippolito Nievo” Institute Scientific Baccalaureate Diploma. Voting 45/60.
Teaching activities:
E.F.A. Ente Formazione Artigiana: Environmental tourism promoter” Chioggia, 2001; Technician in the planning of eco-tourist itineraries”. Mestre (Ve), 2003; E.N.A.I.P. Professional Training Center (PD): Cataloging seminar: lecturing (cataloging paintings, works of art, prints); practical exercises inherent to computerization of paper files; “Restoration of works of art.” Lecturing in Art History, 1995 – 1996; “Expert in marketing and sales network organization,” at IPSSCTP Valle; “Operator in incoming services” at IPSSCTP Valle, from 2008 to 2011; IRECOOP VENETO (Pd) Vocational Training Center: “Cultural Heritage reception and surveillance service workers,” 1996; “Publishing services operator,” 1999; “Business trainer” , 1999; “Education for Cooperation.” Vicenza-Istituto Professionale di Stato per i Servizi Sociali B. Montagna, 1999; “Education for Cooperation”. Villafranca (Verona)-Socio-Psycho-Pedagogical High School “Medi,” 1999; “Preparation of expert connoisseur of the territory of the Bassa Padovana.” Established the Permanent Territorial Center for Adult Education and Training based at the “Zanellato” Middle School in Monselice, 1999; Design, coordination, teaching and tutoring at the training course “Cultural Operator for Tourists,” 1999; Planning, coordinating, teaching and tutoring the training course for high schools in the Veneto region “School and cooperation in the Veneto region” in collaboration with the Regional Department of Social Policies, 1999-2001; CURIA VESCOVILE DI PADOVA and Irecoop Veneto (Pd) Vocational Training Center: Planning, organizing and teaching the refresher course “Operator in Ecclesiastical Cultural Heritage “, 1998;CURIA VESCOVILE DI VERONA and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Vr -Vi – Bl and AN: Planning and organizing the training course “Operator in Ecclesiastical Cultural Heritage “, 1999; I.A.L. Veneto Centro di Formazione Professionale: “Operator in tourism and the valorization of catering products,” 1998; PROVVEDITORATO AGLI STUDI DI VERONA: Refresher course for elementary and junior high school teachers “Cooperative Education in Schools. Verona, 2000; SEFI S.r.l. Servizi e formazione per l’impresa (Pd): ‘Promotore turistico ambientale’, 2000; FOREMA – Associazione Industriali (Pd): ‘Hotel Tourist Animation’ 1996; “Tourism and the Jubilee in the year 2000”, 1999; Coordination of lecturers and teaching at the training course “Environmental Tourism Promoter”, 2000; “Expert in tourism planning and programming”, 2001; Design, coordination and teaching at the training course “Tourist office staff”, 2003; Coordination and teaching at the training course “Tourist booking clerk”, 2003; Coordination and teaching at the course “Expert in tourism planning and organisation”, 2004; Design, coordination and teaching at the training course “Environmental tourism”, 2005- 2006; Planning, co-ordination and teaching at the training course ‘Expert in planning and management of tourist activities’, 2006; Co-ordination of teachers and teaching at the vocational training course ‘Expert in booking and management of tourist packages’, 2006; IFTS ‘Higher multimedia technician for the promotion of the territory and self-entrepreneurship’ 2008; Orientation activities, help desk for self-entrepreneurship project ‘ Over 45 opportunities for reintegration into the labour market’ 2009; Orientation activities, help desk for self-entrepreneurship project ‘ Women@work: opportunities and support for women’s work’. 2009; ‘Guest Relation in hotels’. 2009; FSE ‘Tecnico dei servizi turistici dal front al back office’ 2009; PROVVEDITORATO AGLI STUDI DI PADOVA: Refresher course for teachers: ‘Res Gestae’ of the ‘Marco Polo Project’, 2001; Refresher course for secondary school teachers: ‘Educazione all’imprenditoria giovanile’ of the ‘Marco Polo Project’, 2001; B.E. S.T. Ltd and Confesercenti: ‘Course for tourist guides’ Padua, 2001; ISTITUTO ROMANO BRUNI (Pd): ‘Cultural tourism promoter’ 2001; CONFESERCENTI Rovigo: ‘Cultural tourism promoter’ 2002; E.F.A. Ente Formazione Artigiana: ‘Environmental tourism promoter’ Chioggia, December 2001; ‘Technician in the planning of eco-tourist itineraries’. Mestre (Ve), 2003; ‘Tourist services operator’ 2009; DOMANI DONNA training and professionalism: ‘Manager in museum management’, 2004; FSE ‘Collaborator Restorer of cultural heritage: designer of conservative restoration’. 2009; REGIONE VENETO, Department of Education – Directorate for Culture – IRRE: Planning, scientific consultancy and teaching ‘Educard Project’; Experimental planning course for teachers in Veneto schools, elementary, lower and upper secondary schools, aa.ss. 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05; DIEFFE Formazione e lavoro Padova: ‘Operatore servizi museali e culturali’ 2005; C.I.F.I.R. s.c.a r.l. Rovigo: ‘Expert in museum management and didactics’ 2003; ‘Expert in technological systems for the economic evaluation of cultural and environmental heritage’ 2005; AGFORM s.r.l Training and consulting agency: ESF ‘Tourist and cultural event management technician’. 2009; ASCOM SERVIZI Padova spa: ‘Specialist in territorial tourism development’ 2015; JOBSELECT SERVIZI per l’impresa Padova (PD): ‘Addetti ai servizi turistici’ 2015; E.R.A.P.R.A. Veneto – Headquarters Confagricoltura Padova: ‘Agritourism Operator’ 2009; “Young Settlement” 2010; “Agritourism Operator” 2010; “Professional Agricultural Entrepreneur” (IAP) 2011; “First Young Settlement” 2011; “Agritourism Operator” 2011; “Development of Agritourism and Educational Farms in Veneto” 2011; “First Young Settlement” 2012; ‘Settiamento Giovani – IAP‘ course A and B 2013; “Operatore Agrituristico e Operatore di Fattoria didattica” 2013; “Operatore Agrituristico” 2013; “Primo Insediamento Giovani” 2013; “Operatore Agrituristico” 2014; “Operatore Agrituristico” 2014; “Imprenditore Agricolo Professionale (IAP) 2016; ”Attività Agrituristica’ 2017; E. E.R.A.P.R.A. del Veneto Sede Confagricoltura Rovigo: ‘Imprenditore Agricolo Professionale (IAP)’ 2016; E.R.A.P.R.A. del Veneto Sede Confagricoltura Belluno: ‘Attività Agrituristica’ 2016; E.R.A.P.R.A. del Veneto Sede Confagricoltura Venezia-Mestre: ‘Imprenditore Agricolo Professionale (IAP)’ 2017; ‘Attività Agrituristica’ 2017.
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